The Power of Nonreaction

To pause, and realize that we are the ones reacting to our own thoughts.

Many of the negative emotions that we experience come as a result of reacting. Even if there is nothing external to react to, we may be stuck in patterns of reacting to our own mind activity, reacting to our own thoughts.

“Whatever you fight, you strengthen, and what you resist, persists.”

– Eckhart Tolle

It is so easy to fall into cycles of judgement towards our own mind activity, especially when thoughts arise that don’t align with our highest desires or expectations, and once we are stuck in these cycles it is often difficult to see any way out through the shrouds of illusion. But, it is important to highlight the key word here, illusion.

(Although this is in regards to our internal, this goes for external circumstances as well.)

If we attempt to fight or judge an illusion, the illusion will only grow, for we are then feeding it our energy and attention, we are then reacting to it. We are the masters of our own minds, not the other way around. The only power our minds have over us is the power that we give it.

No matter what though, love and compassion never cease to overcome all forms of negativity. It may sound cliché, but it is true nonetheless. Often the simplest of truths are the ones that are closest to it. My advice, from my own personal experiences is: Always choose love, and there will be no regret.

Namaste. All my love, I hope this helps.

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