The Power of Self-Validation

There have been numerous times where I aimed to prove myself, consistently expecting to receive validation externally, seeking confirmation and permission slips outside of myself, only to realize that the validation I was missing was my own.

Affirmations: “I am enough.” “I have my own validation.” “I allow myself to be free of any expectations.” “I give myself the permission.”

What We Seek, We May Find Within.

We all have the potential to be the source of our own validation, and we all have the ability to provide ourselves the confirmation that we are already enough.

This may take practice, and a consistent devotion to oneself through making an effort each day to feel this, live this, breathe this, and believe this at a core level.

With time, and intentional, conscious, action towards being the receiver of our own love and validation, we may then step into sovereignty, autonomy, and inevitably, our true power of self-sufficiency. ❤️

Embracing Autonomy, Living in Sovereignty.

We are all sovereign and autonomous beings; It just takes realizing this, and giving ourselves the permission to be this.

Embracing autonomy and living in sovereignty is not to exclude, nor avoid, any external relationships and interactions, but to show up for them coming from a place of genuine wholeness and appreciation rather than deprivation and necessity, which is of the deepest and most authentic love.

In other words: This is to be devoted to showing up as the best, most authentic, and whole version of ourselves, which will most definitely reflect in our relationships with others.

Even when we interact with others, we are still ourselves, and even when we are in relationships with others, we are still alone, and that is okay! It is only “not okay” if we make it, and see it as something, that is “not okay“.

At the end of the day, it is us who we are left with.

We are the ones who perceive, observe, and react to our own thoughts. We are the ones who feel and fully experience our emotions. We are the ones who set our own boundaries and choose what we shall allow into our lives, and we are the ones who take, make, create, and experience the results of our own actions.

Our power lies not in running from this truth, but resting in it. Allowing ourselves to be comfortable, and content, with this concept of conscious sovereignty and autonomy. To make peace with this, to realize that we are the source, and to witness all of the genuine beauty that blooms out of this simple yet utterly divine truth, and how it may shed light on all other aspects of our lives as well, like a synchronized domino effect portrayed in this dance of life itself.

Vowing to Love Ourselves, As We Are.

We are already enough, but will we allow ourselves to see this?

Will we allow ourselves to feel this, at a core level? To make the effort and take the strides of converting this into a core belief within ourselves? Will we allow ourselves to do this, feel this, believe this, be devoted to this, and to be free of any limitations that we would have made ourselves believe?

All it takes is our permission.

All it takes is our word.

All it takes is our intention, devotion, discipline, and a vow to love ourselves, as we are.

So when will we mark this conscious devotion to ourselves?

The only one we would be waiting on is us… So when will we say “go”?

United Being’s writing is not objective truth, but a fresh lens to consider perceiving the world through. There is no “right” or “wrong” way of interpreting this, and I encourage all of my readers to absorb the information that I provide here, and use it as a tool to be integrated into your own unique and individual perspective, as you continue to tread and honor your own path. All my love, and genuine best wishes.❤️