The Power of Radical Trust

When we place our trust in the universe, we are letting go, releasing the doubts and stressors that we once claimed ownership of.

When we believe that things will work out in our favor, then they do, and so be it.

we can live in fear, or we can live in love, which one will we choose?

A Dance of “Give and Receive”

When we place our trust in the universe, this does not mean that we are relinquishing all of our free will. This life is a dance of give and receive, of putting out and letting in. This is not about giving all of our responsibility to the universe, and waiting for all of the answers to drop on our head as we wait in limbo. This is about setting clear and solid intentions, sending them out into the universe, and trusting that the universe is always conspiring in our favor, and will bring us exactly what we need at exactly the right time, based on the energy that we send out.

Now, whether we send this energy out unconsciously or with conscious awareness and intention is up to us…

Releasing the Outcome

If we trace whatever it is that we are working towards back to the original source, to the original intention, we will begin to realize that it is not the actual outcome of the thing, person, circumstance, or whatever it may be that is hard to “let go” of; It is the thought of it.

There is always something that triggers us to think about the outcome of what we are working towards. Whether it be checking our bank account, seeing something that reminds us of what we desire, contemplating how little time we have, whatever it may be.

When we keep our focus on the outcomes that are outside of our control, we are then transferring the “I want” energy to an “I lack” energy, pushing our goals further and further away from where we actually are, which is all there ever is.

When we place and maintain our attention on our present situation, shifting our perspective to see that where we actually are is completely fine, we can then set conscious intentions and take grounded actions that matter towards our goals, leaving the rest in the hands of the Universe, with radical and unwavering trust, whom will always work with us to achieve our goals in the most unique and mysterious of ways.

For some, there is a reactive and defensive belief that follows this approach, which consists of, “But if I stop thinking about it, even for a second, then I will lose sight of it, and it will never come.” This notion is false though, and it is once again the work of our little trickster friend, the EGO.

“No ego, once again, that is a fearful reaction…”

If the ego happens to have convinced us that the constant thinking and attachment is required in order for us to achieve our goals, this is a belief that is rooted in fear, a seed that was planted from thoughts about the future and the past, which do not exist in the present.

The ego does not do this to attack us, it is doing it because it believes that it will protect us, not realizing that it is the very thing that is doing us harm. The mere awareness of this, and of the fearful state in and of itself, will dissolve the illusion that the present is something that we must run from in order to survive. That is what the ego does, it’s main goal is to survive, regardless of whether it limits us or not, because it is running off of its own programming, not common sense.

All my love and best wishes. ❤

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